Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In a new land

Turns out that the person I saw at the stadium was only similar looking to Sunset. Sunset was a dear friend. When I encountered the stars Sunset helped me escape. He is like a brother to me. I haven't seen him since.

Its been months since my arrival here in Borbuja. I'll catch up later, Murk is playing with fire and his new friend Rentz is with him, he is dangerous so I better make sure they don't invoke a demon or something.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


That night was warm and comfortable. Murk's room had a huge rectangular window instead a round one. It faced the comforting ocean. His room was also bigger and had a few bean bags to sit on. We all sat in a circle next to a fire place looking out the window. For a long time we kind of just talked. It felt so good, so safe and warm. It seemed impossible to be hurt here. We even had a few treats like cookies, milk and even gummy worms.

Time passed and soon we fell asleep. I wake now, spread on the ground. Murk is snoring and Bajji is probably out and showered. Karu is messing somewhere in the living room. The curtains are closed but I can still see a flicker of morning sky through the rectangular window. Here it comes again. I just sit, looking towards it with a calm but pensive expression. Its as if I was just thinking of something silly a child would do. But here I am, thinking of... I just become soo, *sigh*. I close my eyes for a moment and with a sigh, I get up and walk out the door before anyone see's me. I stomp as if I was struting as I walk down the hall. I wont fall down, nope, I am strong.

There are a few people in the lobby at the entrance. The same couple is all dressed up holding their luggage. The ship staff is running around securing the exit. I hurry into my room, pick out some comfortable attractive attire and shower. When I come out my room with my luggage, the lobby is full of anxious travelers. "Murk!" "Karu!" No one responds.

"Hey" it's Bajii. We wait by the door as the loud speaker announces "5 minutes to arrival!" Bajii looks at me with an excited face. I smile. "2 minutes till arrival" she cant hold it in much longer, Bajii screams with delight. "Please carefuly step off the platform as you exit the ship. Thank you for traveling with clear blue cruise." Bajii rams through the crowd and is lost through the exit.

"Wow, she seems excited" Murk and Karu join me. We walk out the ship and down the bridge connecting us to the pier. The fresh breeze of the port swooshes my hair as well as Karu's and Murk's. I become anxious myself and with a slight turn and smile at Murk and Karu who stand behind me, I run across the crowds, through the many alleyways and busy port streets. Murk and Karu are on my tail as I am on Bajii's. I start entering the stadium and freeze at the sight of the team who is present for this season's games.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

On the sea

The sun shined brightly through the same window. After stretching a tad, I rub my eyes and open them slowly letting the bright sun wake me. The sound of the sea clashing as the boat races through it is soothing. I feel bright.
After I changed into proper clothing I went out into the ship's hallway. I hear crowd voices (like a restaurant) from the front of the ship where the dining room is. Hmmm, what could be going on? I just walk slowly and as I turn the hallway and into the dining room the distant crowd voices become loud. There is Murk, Karu and Bajji sitting around a table right by the wide window at the utmost front of the ship. They all smile at me as I approach them.
"Your awake sleepy head" says Karu ruffling my hair. She looks so radiant and beautiful as the sun shines behind her. Food is here. They took the liberty of ordering for me. Its raisin oatmeal with scrambelled eggs, pancakes and chorizo.
"Why did you sleep so much?" asked Bajji with her kind curiosity. Murk immediately answered "Hopen is very tired after his encounter with the stars". It feels good to be here with my friends of all time. I feel so safe inside this boat, in front of this nice, warm and tasty food. My taste buds tingle as I slowly gulp each spoonful. It is so delicious.

Monday, December 10, 2007

On the ship

Since I went to sleep around 6, I wake up in the middle of the night. I feel slightly cold since I did not bother wrapping myself in the smothe warm blankets on the bed. Still dressed in my silk dark blue jeans, my dark blue and light blue striped sweater.
I get up and with my squinty eyes look towards the circular window on the side. It is the only source of light. I get up from bed and walk towards it rubbing my eyes. The ocean races by as the ship speeds into the endless horizon. The deep crystal blue water shines the light of the moon and reflects the many stars shining in the sky. Its not a scary endless blue, its an oasis filled with lights from the sky.
I smile as I think of someone I love. Though a simple thought forces a smile, my heart covers itself to protect its soars. I feel departed. Though my life is ultimate, there is a void. Though it seems I fly when I see the sky, I cry when I think of time.
A tear slowly flows down my cheek and I slowly walk towards the bed. I gently change into proper sleeping clothes and hide under the covers hugging a pillow pretending its the real thing. "I love you" I whisper as I drift off into sleep.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The beginning of a begun journey

Yes, the title says it all. Through the portion of whatever time I decide to share my stories, we will both experience the moments of the many adventures on which we will embark. Though long before the story began, you just showed up now. Are you ready?

We are on our way to the incredible gazebo. It is sacred and said to behold power. Its hard to squish through these many people. We are currently located in Port Ardina. The noise of the busy sales men and rushing townspeople reminds me of the busy mornings in the bazaar back at home.
Most salesmen are fishermen now since we went deeper into the port. I can see the peaks of the boats now. My heart rushes and I get this tingly sensation down my spine as we walk towards the ships. This is it, finally I will take off on my dreamed journey.
It stinks now. We are walking down a dirty street. The floor is made of metal since its out into the ocean a few feet. There are flies and seagulls eating fish from the trash. A couple of men turned towards me noticing I am young and vulnerable. Some approach me but immediately back off when they realize I am not alone.
Finally we turned a corner and the ships stand there tall and silver with their weird cylindrical shape. It meets at an angle at the top like a cylinder with a triangle party hat.
The sun is beginning to sink yet the port is lit in rich golden mysterious light. With a sigh of joy we walk towards the entrance of the ship. A handsome man dressed in white collared shirt and khaki pants welcomes us inside the ship. After everyone entered, I look towards the horizon with a serious face, I smile and sigh then enter the ship.
Its not that big, quite small actually. Barely bigger than a train. It makes it more comfortable though. There is a mini living room directly to the left and a dining room to the right with a huge window at the front of the ship overlooking the dusk starry sky . Its empty and dark though.
We pass through the living room bowing our heads to a couple sitting by the fireplace. We enter a hallway and after a few steps Murk turns to me and says "This will be your room, we will see you in the morning. I nod, smile and enter the dark room. I dont get a chance to look out the window because I fall right asleep. Tomorrow will be another day.